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Hello There!

Karibu! I welcome you to the website.
Karibu Sana!

Welcome to this website! My name is Angelica, and in this "smol" nook in the interwebs, I share with you a few of my adventures (of sorts) in the past few years at my home city: Nairobi, Kenya. Maybe it may inspire you to visit sometime, there's plenty to do here! The title of this website is "Jipoteze", which is a Swahili word meaning "lose yourself"; aren't the best experiences those you can lose yourself in after all? Take a look around, and if you feel lost, let the arrows guide you *hint* *hint*.

You Thought It's Hot As Is Under The Kenyan Sun? Wait 'Till You REALLY Get Your Sweat On!

A picture of me post-spin class

As much as I'd love to lay in bed all day and night, I must admit there's an exhilirating pump that gets me going through a workout, even looking forward to the next workout dare I say it. I was home when I decided on being more dedicated to fitness, and an interesting opportunity presented itself along the way: a dear friend won a contest that allowed each of us a free sweaty session at various fitness centers in Nairobi. Head on over to the "Places I've Been" page and check out a few of these places for yourself, or share "Your Experience" of working out in Kenya.

A Melting Pot of Flavors With a Touch of Kenyan "Ladha"

A delicious serving of Ethiopian food!

"Ladha" means "flavor" in Swahili, and in my opinion, even the word sounds delicious! Kenyan cuisine offers a variety of interesting dishes with influences from the different cultures, over 40 ethnic groups represented in our population, both local and foreign. I would argue that you could certainly find a bit of most of the world somewhere in Nairobi. My family has quite the predilection for Chinese food when going out, but dishes like pilau, chapati and ugali hold a special place in every Kenyan's heart. Head on over to the "Places I've Been" page and check out a bit of what our restaurants have to offer, or share "Your Experience" of dining in or out in Kenya.

When It's "FURAHIday", You Better Celebrate!

Dangerously delicious cocktails shared with friends

Who doesn't love the end of the week? After all the hustle and bustle, especially in the capital city, people need some down time, and Kenyans definitely know how to get down. Another fun word to add to your vocabulary from local slang: "kufurahi" is "to be happy", so Furahiday (Friday) is happiness day! I do not usually go out as much when home, but when I do, it's usually memorable. Head on over to the "Places I've Been" page and check out a few scenes to be at, or share "Your Experience" of going out in Kenya.

You Can Never Run out of Things to Want! Dreams Are Valid

A brief shopping break with mum

My family can spend (and do spend) a whole day out just shopping; even if we do not end up buying much, our eyes have made quite the purchases by the end of the day. There are a TON of malls in Nairobi alone and even more all over the country, with new developments every number of years. Moreover, there are plenty of independent stores and outdoor markets such as the famous "Maasai Market" where talented craftsmen share their traditions through their creations. Head on over to the "Places I've Been" page and check out a couple of malls to get lost in, or share "Your Experience" of shopping in Kenya.

Mother Nature Is Truly an Artist, Safari Njema

An old but gold tortoise

Of the many blessings being Kenyan has given me, the experiences of wondrous landscapes and stunning creatures a few kilometers away from my house have been the best, even if I didn't realize it at the time. Where else would you get to go on a safari with the backdrop of the city skyline behind you? Head on over to the "Places I've Been" page and check out some magical destinations, or share "Your Experience" of beautiful Kenya.